HAM Radio 1997
HAM Radio 1997.iso
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BASIC Source File
152 lines
DefInt A-Z
' User defined type defining a line by start point
' (X,Y,Z) and end point (X1,Y1,Z1).
Type LineType
X As Integer
Y As Integer
Z As Integer
X1 As Integer
Y1 As Integer
Z1 As Integer
End Type
' An array to store lines
Global points(100) As LineType
Global Xs(100) As Single, Ys(100) As Single, Xe(100) As Single, Ye(100) As Single, Xn(100) As Single, Yn(100) As Single
' Arrays to store screen coordinates of last drawn lines
Global XOldStart(100) As Single, YOldStart(100) As Single, XOldEnd(100) As Single, YOldEnd(100) As Single
' Arrays to store point coordinates. Index is point number
Global X(100) As Single, Y(100) As Single, Z(100) As Single
' Arrays to store point numbers - Pointers1 for start points, Pointers2 for end points
' Index is line #, value is point #
Global Pointers1(100) As Single, Pointers2(100) As Single
' List of points to rotate - value is point number
Global PointsToRotate(100) As Single
'Sine and cosine lookup tables
Global Cosine&(360), Sine&(360)
Global NumberOfLines
Global NumberOfPoints
Global NumberOfPointsToRotate
' Control variables
Global AtLoc
Global Mxm
Global Mym
Global Mzm
Global Speed
Global D1
Global D2
' Constants used in program
Global Const CDERR_CANCEL = 32755' Common dialog cancel button was clicked
Sub DeterminePointsToRotate ()
'Here comes the hard part... Consider this scenario:
'We have two connected lines, like this:
' 1--------2 and 3
' |
' |
' |
' |
' 4
'Where 1,2, 3, & 4 are the starting and ending points of each line.
'The first line consists of points 1 & 2 and the second line
'is made of points 3 & 4.
'So, you ask, what's wrong? Nothing, really, but don't you see that
'points 2 and 3 are really at the sample place? Why rotate them twice,
'that would be a total waste of time? The following code eliminates such
'occurrences from the line table. (great explanation, huh?)
'take all of the starting & ending points and put them in one big
NumberOfPoints = 0
For LineNumber = 0 To NumberOfLines - 1
X(NumberOfPoints) = points(LineNumber).X
Y(NumberOfPoints) = points(LineNumber).Y
Z(NumberOfPoints) = points(LineNumber).Z
NumberOfPoints = NumberOfPoints + 1
X(NumberOfPoints) = points(LineNumber).X1
Y(NumberOfPoints) = points(LineNumber).Y1
Z(NumberOfPoints) = points(LineNumber).Z1
NumberOfPoints = NumberOfPoints + 1
Next LineNumber
'Now set up two sets of pointers that point to each point that a line
'is made of... (in other words, scan for the first occurrence of each
'starting and ending point in the point array we just built...)
For LineToTest = 0 To NumberOfLines - 1
XTest = points(LineToTest).X
YTest = points(LineToTest).Y
ZTest = points(LineToTest).Z 'get the 3 coordinates of the start point
For PointToTest = 0 To NumberOfPoints - 1 'scan the point array
If X(PointToTest) = XTest And Y(PointToTest) = YTest And Z(PointToTest) = ZTest Then
Pointers1(LineToTest) = PointToTest 'set the pointer to point to the
Exit For 'point we have just found
End If
Next PointToTest
XTest = points(LineToTest).X1 'do the same thing that we did above
YTest = points(LineToTest).Y1 'except scan for the ending point
ZTest = points(LineToTest).Z1 'of each line
For PointToTest = 0 To NumberOfPoints - 1
If X(PointToTest) = XTest And Y(PointToTest) = YTest And Z(PointToTest) = ZTest Then
Pointers2(LineToTest) = PointToTest
Exit For
End If
Next PointToTest
Next LineToTest
'Okay, were almost done! All we have to do now is to build a table
'that tells us which points to actually rotate...
NumberOfPointsToRotate = 0
For LineToTest = 0 To NumberOfLines - 1
StartPointNo = Pointers1(LineToTest)
EndPointNo = Pointers2(LineToTest)
If NumberOfPointsToRotate = 0 Then
PointsToRotate(NumberOfPointsToRotate) = StartPointNo
NumberOfPointsToRotate = NumberOfPointsToRotate + 1
Found = 0
For PointToTest = 0 To NumberOfPointsToRotate - 1
If PointsToRotate(PointToTest) = StartPointNo Then
Found = -1
Exit For'already in list
End If
Next PointToTest
If Not Found Then PointsToRotate(NumberOfPointsToRotate) = StartPointNo
NumberOfPointsToRotate = NumberOfPointsToRotate + 1
End If
Found = 0
For PointToTest = 0 To NumberOfPointsToRotate - 1
If PointsToRotate(PointToTest) = EndPointNo Then
Found = -1
Exit For
End If
Next PointToTest
If Not Found Then PointsToRotate(NumberOfPointsToRotate) = EndPointNo
NumberOfPointsToRotate = NumberOfPointsToRotate + 1
Next LineToTest
End Sub
Sub MakeSinCosTables ()
'The following for/next loop makes a sine & cosine table.
'Each sine & cosine is multiplied by 1024 and stored as long integers.
'This is done so that we don't have to use any slow floating point
'math at run time.
A% = 0
For I! = 0 To 359 / 57.29577951 Step 1 / 57.29577951
Cosine&(A%) = Int(.5 + Cos(I!) * 1024)
Sine&(A%) = Int(.5 + Sin(I!) * 1024): A% = A% + 1
End Sub